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Tullyhall Drive and Mews Taking In Charge process

Green space here was originally not cut due by Council due to these areas not being taken in charge and still in control of the developer. However the rest of the estate was formally taken in charge in April following my raising of the issue, but as of now the Council is not upholding its responsibility to maintain the open space area.


Update 11th July

Having contacted SDCC about this two weeks ago and not having gotten a reply, I again contacted a senior member of staff today. They responded today as follows:

"I will inspect the open spaces and make arrangements to have the grass cut.   If there are any issues following the inspection I will revert to you."

Hopefully this will lead to some action shortly.


Update 24th June:

Residents have pointed out that the grass has still not been cut and one section apparently told a resident that this was because the area "has not been taken in charge".

The planning department confirmed to me that it definitely has been taken in charge.

A separate delayed reply also indicated the area would be scheduled for cutting:

As of today 24th June it hasn't been cut. I've reverted again via email to senior management and I would ask residents to keep me posted.


Update 15th April:

The area was formally taken in charge at the recent Area Committee meeting.


Update 16th December: The consultation is now live on the SDCC Consultation Portal. Deadline for submissions is 24th January. Click on this link to view details.


Background 30th October

South Dublin County Council is to initiate the public consultation process to take in charge two newer parts of Tullyhall estate. This follows ongoing concerns by residents about the maintenance of green spaces and long periods were grass was let grow high with resulting concerns about safety for children and nesting areas for vermin.

The news came alongside the tabling of my motion requesting the Council to take the area in charge, which was initially tabled for September 2023 but was not reached due to "too much business". The motion, which followed multiple queries raised over several years, was passed at last Tuesday's Area Committee meeting (28th October) where the Council agreed to initiate the process:


Tuesday, November 28, 2023


MOTION: Councillor P. Gogarty

That the Chief Executive begins the process to sequester the lands not taken in charge in newer parts of Tullyhall estate, as raised previously by this elected representative, so that residents can have reasonable expectation that areas will be maintained on a regular basis; and if a statement can be made on the matter.


I attach a drawing of the intended Taking in Charge areas of the latest phase of the Tullyhall estate. The two large class 1 green areas highlighted on the map are intended to be Taken into the Charge of the Council. It is intended that these 2no. green areas will be fully maintained by the Council including the cutting of the grass in these areas by the SDCC Parks department under their grass cutting programme.

This Taking in Charge process is proposed to be concluded soon and the advertisement and public submission phase has been notified to the Councillors in the Headed Item 80841 at todays ACM meeting.

The headed item specified the following:

"The Council intends to advertise our intention to take in charge the roads, footpaths, public lighting, storm sewers and the two large Class 1 Green areas within this phase of the estate shown on the attached map.

The TIC process will be advertised in a local paper and on the councils portal, and interested stakeholders can make submissions on the proposal within the prescribed time and in the method that will be detailed within the advertisements both on the portal and newspaper."

Keep an eye out for the details in the coming weeks. I will update residents when the information becomes available.

I know this news has been welcomed by residents. I had raised a query about the taking in charge of separate sections of the estate as far back as 2021, but there was no movement at that stage. I was again contacted more recently by residents who had moved into the newer extension at Tullyhall Drive about the green area where the grass was left overgrown for months on end. A number of other Councillors were contacted in this regard also and I was again contacted separately in relation to a section of Tullyhall Mews.

The initial replies were of the standard "the estate is not in the charge of the Council" variety and this is where it was important to keep up the pressure to finally try and get the Council to take a proactive approach.


For information purposes I'm listing below all of the representations I made surrounding the maintenance of the newer part of Tullyhall as well as related taking in charge queries:

Feb 2021 - Querying open space Tullyhall Drive


May 2021 - Querying open space adjacent to Tullyhall Mews

February 2023 - Raising of overgrown areas in Tullyhall Drive


June 2023 - Querying whether parts of Tullyhall were still not in charge for Council to maintain


July 2023 - raising non-maintenance of green spaces with HSE Environnmental Health Officers in SDCC


July 2023 (2) - Seeking details on the monetary amount of the developer bond held by SDCC


July 2023 (3) - SDCC reply to my initial query/request to sequester bond if possible


September (too much business) and then October 2023 - Motion calling on SDCC to take estate in charge

This is my motion shown at the start of the article as supported by other Councillors with the map outlining the areas to be taken in charge.



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© 2024 Paul Nicholas Gogarty

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