I tabled this motion to see if there is any further chance of movement to develop a blueway along the Liffey that would include Mill Lane in Palmerstown. In the past the area was not seen as optimum despite there already being a company providing service in the vicinity, namely rafting.ie .
There's a huge wealth of activities possible all the way down from Lucan towards Chapelizod, so Palmerstown would be an ideal hub, especially with the Silver Bridge so near. However there's a lot of work to be done judging by the response here, although a few scraps were thrown in terms of the future Tourism Strategy.
Further down I also include the reply to my query on the Silver (Farmleigh) Bridge, which is in the early stages of initial repair, but still far away from full restoration and public access.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
QUESTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
To ask the Council for an update on plans to develop the Mill Lane Area of Palmerstown as a Blueway access point for local users following on from a presentation some years back; and if a statement can be made on the matter.
South Dublin County Council’s Tourism Strategy (2015) identified the concept of a Liffey Blueway, where in the medium term, consideration could be given to developing and promoting the concept of a minimum intervention Liffey Blueway. On foot of this, in 2017, South Dublin County Council and Fingal County Council commissioned a feasibility assessment for the development of a Liffey Blueway, which advised that 'this section of the River Liffey is not especially suited to Blueway Branding and that investment in and sustaining a Blueway in the study area will not result in significant uplift in inbound tourism and that it is recommended that Blueway Branding is not pursued at this time'.
Whilst noting the findings of the 2017 feasibility assessment, the concept of a Liffey Blueway, including levels of potential intervention, animation opportunities, land ownership and environmental considerations will be assessed as part of the preparation of the new tourism strategy, which is presently underway.
The Council members will be kept updated on the development of the Council’s Tourism Strategy and all associated tourism related initiatives.
MOTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
That the Chief Executive welcomes the commencement of conservation works on the Silver (Farmleigh) Bridge and liaises with Fingal County Council to plan for the next stage, namely linking up both sides of the Liffey Valley to members of the public from (or in interim at the location of) the Silver Bridge; and if a statement can be made on the matter, including an update from South Dublin regarding plans to acquire land on the south side of the bridge in Palmerstown.
The conservation works being undertaken by Fingal County Council on the Silver Bridge consist of the repair and cleaning of the Stone abutments and associated features to the bridge, repair of the metal members and bearings of the bridge, replacement of the bridge deck beam, shot blasting of the existing paintwork, and reapplication of paint and all associated siteworks. These works will conserve and protect the bridge structure as a landscape feature.
Fingal County Council have informed the Council that any proposals related to access are outside the scope of the conservation works project and that the reuse of the Guinness Bridge for active travel has not been identified as part of these works or in Fingal County Council’s recently adopted Capital Programme 2023-2025.
The future use of the bridge is a matter for Fingal County Council. Members will be aware that the restoration and future use of the bridge is a matter for Fingal County Council having regard to health and safety, financial outlay, and ultimate use whilst having regard to significant constraints, in terms of structural constraints, landownership and finance.
The matter of land acquisition on the south side of the bridge will need to be examined in detail and in tandem with the plans and progress of Fingal County Council.

This map from the rafting.ie website shows the route of the Liffey from Lucan to Palmerstown