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Noise Action Plan Consultation

This update 14th May 2024. Previous updates 29th, 22nd, 15th April 2024 and March 2023.

Public Consultation on identifying noisy areas - 10 days left

A year ago we were told that there would be a consultation phase in Q1 2024. This went live on April 12, 2024 and will close at 11:59pm on the 24th of May.

Where to find out information

Dublin City Council is the lead agency for the Greater Dublin area and details are here:

SDCC has also put details of the consultation on its website


Background (originally written March 2023 but still relevant as per SDCC presentation at bottom)

There's a process underway to identify and tackle noise blackspots in our County. The question is, will it lead to any meaningful action

Over the last number of years I have been raising the need to tackle traffic noise affecting residents in our County through correspondence, motions and contributions at meetings. This includes the M50 which affects adjoining residential areas in Palmerstown and Clondalkin, as well as the N4 which has already been shown to cause problems for estates adjacent in Lucan in an area heading from Woodville towards Hillcrest. There are also areas in Newcastle, Saggart Rathcoole and Citywest areas that would be impacted by proximity to the N7.

I've also raised the Outer Ring (Grange Castle Road) in the past, most recently in relation to Moy Glas, but also referenced estates such as Fforster, Foxborough, Mount Bellew, Bewley, St Andrews and Willsbrook, as well as Woodfarm Acres, Palmersown village and Palmerstown Manor. Yellow Meadows is another area that needs to be looked at while other newer parts of Clondalkin like Kilcarberry are also likely to require examination. But much of this is up to residents to make submissions.

Action by Transport Infrastucture Ireland and/or the Council has tended to be minimal, with each agency often cross-referencing the other and, as an elected rep, you often get passed from one to the other and back again. Whether it's looking for physical barriers, additional tree planting, or a resurfacing, action has been slow and piecemeal.

This is by means of referencing a reply by the Council to my most recent motion on this general issue on 28th February last. The reply indicated that South Dublin will be heavily involved in a national plan to develop and assess noise reduction measures. This is sorely needed as overall traffic levels, especially at peak times are only predicted to rise for the foreseeable future - and this won't improve without meaningful public transport and active travel solutions.

I could go on, but the best thing to do is to link to a pdf of the presentation itself. This outlines the process over the next 12 months, which will included consultation with members of the public on how best to proceed going forward.

All the details are here in the SDCC presentation from February 2023:


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© 2024 Paul Nicholas Gogarty

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