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Lucan Update Sept/Oct 2024 Part 1

Updated: Oct 10, 2024

This update 9th October 2024 replaces 1st October, 30th September. Original post with video, 27th September. NB - some items in video do not have a text article. There are also a small number of articles not referenced in the video. Part 2 of this update will be released later this month.

Lucan village scheme works - updated 9th October

Village Green - Lucan Weir - Lucan Demesne

[Addition 9th October - people were querying the village green plan which goes back to 2022 and was delayed. I’ve done a separate page now which goes into the background in lots of detail.

The caveat is that this included plans to take away parking spaces at a very sensitive point and that element was scrapped following my motion.

The drawings for the green plan (which did not have unanimous views expressed one way or the other) showed some trees being kept in what is largely a plaza plan:

Regrettably it appears all trees were cut down which is nothing like this drawing. I will be raising this with SDCC at next meeting but it’s after the event obvioously]

Original report 27th September continued….

This is a bundle of projects taking place in the village around the entrance to Lucan Demesne car park, on the village green and around the weir.

Works started today Monday 30th with a 6-12 month construction period anticipated, depending on the project.

This was earmarked some time ago, including a controversial plan to get rid of most of the parking spaces outside the only convenience store serving a population of 6,000 in the village area, as well as a busy GP surgery. This would not have done anything to improve walking and cycling access to the village and a wider scheme is needed.

Even the Canal cycleway project, which I will post an update on in Part 2, comes to a dead end at Dispensary Lane with a costly boardwalk to nowhere and 30 trees cut down. This is operating in a vacuum until we know what is happening on the Fingal side. Lucan Demesne and the lands at Lucan House should also come into play, but the plan is being done piecemeal at present.

The village works earmarked here will cause some disruption, so people need to be aware of this in the coming months.

Details from SDCC here:

"South Dublin County Council (SDCC) is delighted to announce the appointment of Bretland Construction to  commence the upcoming public realm works in the Lucan Village Centres at the following three sites:


  1. Village Green & Main Street

  2. Liffey Promenade

  3. Demesne Park Entrance and upgraded Cark park


"Works are planned to commence on site at the end of September 2024 for a duration of a year.


"Following Destinations Town designation in 2021 and planning approval in 2022 to three key locations, the proposals will address the existing public Infrastructure to improve the village centre and its connective to the Demesne Park and Liffey Promenade, including accessibility, upgrades to surface and seating elements.


"The attached document, SDCC Pre-Construction Leaflet will be delivered to residents and businesses  in the vicinity of the works in the coming days."

 "SDCC do apologise in advance for any  inconvenience during these works and request that caution in the vicinity of construction site be exercised. "

More details on village green works here:

Very detailed information on Lucan Demesne and Lucan Promenade (Weir) works here:


Works to commence in October to fix wall breach opposite Maxol - expected timeline four months

Now that SDCC has taken ownership of the former Italian embassy lands and Lucan House since last June, works can finally begin on the fixing the wall breach beside Lucan Demesne opposite the Maxol Garage/McDonalds.

The tender process is already complete with a revised design expected to result in a 12% reduction in costs and a 25% reduction in time.

The programme, which will be overseen by Donnelly Civil Engineering, is expected to cost in the region of €445,000.

As part of the works the overhead lines adjacent will be taken down and poles

The main works on this are the retaining element of the wall and this is the difficult engineering part, according to SDCC. The wall is a protected structure and works need to be carried out in original materials, with a stonemason appointed to meet all the conservation requirements.

It's important to note that the works are mainly for the longer section, but SDCC said it would also try and get some fixes done at the section broken opposite the Ball Alley. Officials are conscious that other sections may need work and have also commissioned a wider survey of the wall.

The works will include a new footpath and SDCC says it will be looking at upgrading the pathways and road width "down the line".

Full background here in this rolling update which was first posted in October 2022:


Foul smells in Griffeen Glen Road finally sorted - works due in Tullyhall and Castle Riada shortly

It took me a long time to get this sorted. I thought a query would work, but it needed a motion tabled. The reply at the meeting said it would start in the coming days, but apparently works had already been completed as of 24th September, something I hope will be a relief to residents. More problems have been found subsequently elsewhere in Tullyhall and Castle Riada and these will be dealt with in the coming weeks.


My Open Library Launch - Updated 1st October

My Open Library is an unstaffed, self-service library addition to normal opening hours. The video referenced that the project was being officially launched on Saturday 28th September in Lucan Library.

This launch has now taken place. See video for more info:

During My Open Library Hours people can borrow and return items, print, photocopy, use the Internet, access Free Wifi and use study space just like normal hours.

Prospective members will need to book an Induction Session first and will need to bring along a library card and photo ID. Registration is simple and available to any current library member aged 16 and over. Parents must be present to register 16 and 17 year olds. Inductions for My Open Library will take place from mid-October in Lucan Library and continue on an ongoing basis.

To sign up, contact the team at Lucan Library on 01 6216422 or

At the recent Area Committee meeting I queried security arrangements to ensure safety for those using this new service. As well as access being vetted, there is a security film loop that is monitored regularly and will be checked each evening after the library closes. More details on this discussion on the webcast of the Council meeting.


Consultations on Old Cornmill Road slip road turn towards Spa and Newcastle Road safety upgrades

The deadline for submission on these is approaching which is why I referenced in my video. Of particular concern is the slip road heading parallel to the N4 which has a turn that I still consider to be too sharp.

Have a look at the articles below and make up your own mind:


Adamstown Court polling station query

Adamstown Court is a small development in Lucan village, just up from Courtney´s pub. It is on the R120 Lock Road (also called Adamstown Road) and appears to have been erroneously put into a polling station in Adamstown at the last election. Other adjacent areas vote at Scoil Áine. Adamstown Court residents had to vote at Adamstown Community Centre on Station Road, which although very welcome for the thousands of voters living in Adamstown SDZ, is actually much further away for these residents. SDCC says the matter should hopefully be resolved in the coming weeks.


Need to smoothen footpath at pedestrian crossing near Esker Church car park off Newcastle Road, Lucan

A resident with mobility issues was in touch regarding the pavement at the pedestrian crossing from SuperValu Lucan on the church side. This is an ongoing issue with the pavement raised. It has been referred for assessment. As we know a lot of footpath problems are referred, but only a limited number get done in any given year.


Potholed footpath on Lucan-Newlands Road leading from Circle K towards Esker Lawns

Need to repair potholed footpath on Lucan Newlands Road hill

There are multiple holes on this path along the steep hill between Esker Lawns and Mount Gandon estates and there have been two reported falls close to a blind spot in recent weeks.

I have asked if this could be scheduled for emergency repair as it will get worse after rainfall if leaves gather, or during frosty weather.

SDCC has referred for inspection.


Lucan Pool still earmarked for November construction completion and possible Jan/Feb opening

Have referenced in video as not everyone will have seen.

September 25th Update


Tuesday, September 24, 2024


QUESTION: Councillor P. Gogarty

To ask the Chief Executive to provide further clarity since the monthly Council meeting on whether the construction works at Lucan pool still look to be on schedule for a November completion date; and if a statement can be made on the matter?


Works have been completed on the refurbishment of portions of the ground floor of the old leisure centre part of the new Lucan Pool Campus and the creche is now open and operating. Work has also completed on the refurbishment of the area that Esker Boxing club will use and they will begin to move their equipment into the facility in the coming weeks following final cleaning of the existing floor. The contractor has issued an updated programme advising of a completion date at the end of November 2024 and this is under review by SDCC and their Design Team.  Once complete Aura leisure will require a period of time before opening the facility to the public as previously advised.

NB - Have received a few queries from parents using Creche about parking. The car park can absolutely not be used until the wider works are complete as this is still a construction site and health and safety rules apply.

Prices also remain an issue but no give on Council side which is not subsidising Aura Leisure.


Low hanging trees in Woodville estate



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© 2024 Paul Nicholas Gogarty

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