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Lucan March/April Update Part 2 of 2

Updated: May 26, 2024

As mentioned previously, due to an extremely large number of items to report, I decided to split this into two updates for ease of reading/watching. Keep an eye out here as a number of items referenced may be updated in the coming weeks within this post. First published March 25th, updated March 26th, March 31st and April 19th.


An Post says it is aware of delivery delays and is "working hard to make it work"

At various locations at various times over the last number of weeks there have been complaints about post not being delivered on time or parcels going back to depot. This appears to be a result of new routes and staff changing and there is anecdotal evidence that several postal workers near retirement who could have stayed on have decided to leave. I contacted An Post about this a while back and since received what appears to be a fairly standard response:

"The delivery routes used by our postmen and women have not changed in years and in many cases have not kept pace with the way towns and customers’ needs have changed. Over the past year, and next few months or so, we are re-shaping 4,000 routes nationwide.

"Everything we are doing is based on data, close analysis, and the wealth of knowledge we have built up over the years. It’s a big operation and of course there will be mishaps, but we are working hard to make it all work. Please bear with us in the meantime as this is implemented. Apologies for any inconvenience that may be caused."

There's no way for an elected rep to force An Post to change its work practices but they are aware of the dissatisfaction this is causing and hopefully they will pay more attention to sorting out these "mishaps" faster as a result.


"Bus Correct" bus user survey - please encourage friends and family members to complete

Over 1,200 replies and growing, which is an amazing response, but this is still a relatively small number of bus users so I would like to hear from more people. I am keeping this going for a while yet as spreading the replies over a longer period stops the NTA from suggesting that there were teething problems during a specific period, when the preliminary results show systemic issues with buses not turning up or passing full with regularity all times of the year. To have your say in the 7-minute survey click here: .


Water pooling at bus stop near Ball Alley and also opposite Circle K

I had raised the one at the Ball Alley a while back but do not recall getting a response. So I have resubmitted to Irish Water and have also queried the capacity of the drainage system to take water flowing downhill towards the bus stop opposite the Circle K.


Crossing sought near Circle K for children attending childcare facilities

After I pointed out that the narrow pathway at the main traffic lights in the village is not ideal for walking a large group of small children across the roadway, SDCC has acknowledged the need for an additional crossing point at this location and said it will examine the possibility, but this appears to be a longer term project. There is a pedestrian crossing scheduled near Brookvale as phase 1a of the Canal Route Greenway, which may see works commence later in 2025.


Flooding during heavy rainfall near AGP1 car park

A number of photos were taken of the flooding during heavy rainfall that led to the cancellation of one of the Parkruns a few weeks back. I was forwarded these photos and sent them on to SDCC, requesting that it examine whether this area can be improved going forward:

"During prolonged rainfall, which is a more common feature these days, the area referenced above floods and in one spot up to nine inches of water was measured. The footpath was completely covered, despite it being nowhere near the Griffeen and as a result one of the Saturday Parkruns needed to be cancelled. I'm aware that works to flatten and drain the AGP1 pitch are due to commence shortly and if crews are out could the adjacent area be looked at so as to minimise future flood risk?"

If there is anything that can be done here, I will update in due course.


Airlie House purchase motion

There is a lot of interest in this heritage property off Tandy's Lane, which is now surrounded by housing in Adamstown SDZ. It previously had planning permission for a childcare facility, but the owner of the house, Quintain, is now putting the development up for sale. See

If SDCC/Councillors had known about the decision to sell earlier, we could have pushed for funding to be allocated in the Rolling Three Year Capital Programme during budgetary discussions in October/November. As it stands there is no funding allocated, but I've tabled a motion to see if something could be found, particularly with no progress being made on the planned purchase of the much smaller Old School Master's House for a similar price.

Update March 31, 2024, SDCC response to motion attached below. Indicates that Council has no interest in bidding for this site, unfortunately.


12th Lock Masterplan application for film studios causes concern

Updated April 19th - Without any prior warning, on March 7th, SDCC stuck its plans for a film studio on the industrial building near the 12th Lock up on the consultation portal. See .

Councillors were not made aware of this through the Economic Development Strategic Policy Committee or our on local Area Committee. I queried this as a question for the March Area Committee meeting and it was placed up on the agenda. The consultation period has been extended until May 2nd and I will be putting in a submission.

The original masterplan presentation we were given a year ago suggested a more flexible mixed use enterprise centre that would complement the other facilities planned, including a restaurant/café, a hostel, water based leisure activities and an artist studio. The film studio proposal appears quite restrictive and also poses parking questions. This would appear more suited in the Grange Castle Business Park extension the other side of the canal, where I would welcome it wholeheartedly. The original guide plan was

Any further updates on the film studio consultation will be found on a separate web link:


Water pooling check required and yellow box request outside The Old Rectory, Lucan Village

A number of issues were raised from this estate recently, including a yellow box request (down for Traffic Management meeting), water pooling (passed to Irish Water) and a pedestrian crossing (I mentioned that one is scheduled the far side of the school entrance as part of school aspect of Grand Canal Urban Greenway project phase 1a.


Some funding allocated for footpaths and safer crossing at Esker Lane

I could not get the full tranche of funding for this busy area leading to several schools and towards the village, but at least there has been some funding which should improve a portion of the footpaths and also hopefully facilitate a safer crossing for wheelchair users, small children and parents with buggies. The full allocation is listed in this article on my website:


12th Lock to Hazelhatch Greenway awaiting OPW approval

I referenced this in the video and there's more at this link:


Other items mentioned in video without text update:

  • Queried litter at Griffeen Shopping Centre

  • Requested cleanup at laneway towards Glenvale

  • Balgaddy Road potholes raised again

  • Leaking manhole in village repaired

  • Noisy manholes outside Sarsfield Terrace replaced

  • Yellow lines agreed along Lucan Road at Ballydowd following SDCC refusal to take other actions

  • Raised safe route to childcare facility at Chinese Gospel Church again

  • Esker Glebe water pooling on path queried with SDCC

  • Cycleway safety issues at Loman's Road/Ballyowen Lane junction and Fonthill Road raised

  • Celbridge Link Road barriers requested

  • Modular Housing referenced as update posted a few weeks back (



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© 2024 Paul Nicholas Gogarty

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